The next three weeks are about YOU, about making small changes to get BIG results:
- It’s about eating good food, at regular intervals
- It’s about moving every day
- It’s about remembering that YOU are important and you need time for yourself sometimes
- It’s about taking time out to plan your shopping and plan your food to eat
- It’s about cutting out the rubbish and getting out of the sugar trap
- It’s about supporting each other , sharing ideas, recipes, alternatives, moods and research
- It’s about following a plan for just 21 days and implementing changes for a healthy happy life
What it’s not about:
- It’s not about deprivation, there are always alternatives
- It’s not about starving yourself, you eat three good meals every day
- It’s not about calorie counting. Not all calories are equal
- It’s not about boredom, there is variety every day and if you don’t like some ingredients, don’t worry, we can change anything
- It’s not about you being on diet. Unless otherwise stated, all the recipes are for four small portions so you can incorporate them into family meals or use the leftovers for the next day or even freeze some of them
- It’s not about never having a glass of wine or a chocolate bar again. It’s about resetting your system so you don’t crave them regularly. A little of what you fancy does you good, a lot of what you fancy can make you feel bad