What is it?

Traumatic scars can occur as a result of accident, acts of violence and other catastrophic events. Over the last several decades, advancements in medical technology have led to improved surgical techniques and emergency care, which means that more people are surviving injuries and medical conditions that would have been fatal 20 years ago. This increase in survival rates means an increased need for professionals skilled in treating people with scars.

Every scar has a story, and as a soft tissue therapist I use a total-holistic approach with all my clients.

Education, breathing techniques, nutrition, self-care, massage techniques and homework means treatment lasts way beyond the massage table

If you have issues with a scar, old or new, or issues surrounding your scar then book in for a treatment today.

I love the difference it has made to so many of my clients. Here are some of their testimonials

Scar Tissue Massage Therapy



If you have issues with a scar, old or new, or issues surrounding your scar then book in for a treatment today.  Scar Tissue Massage Therapy can:
  • Accelerate recovery from surgery
  • Improve the appearance of scars
  • Relieve scar-related body tension
  • Release stuck tissue to increase your range of motion
  • Reinvigorate the central nervous system following a trauma
