What the hell is Jalking………..

I started Jalking about 2 months ago. I started with just a Jalk around the block . It took me 6 minutes. I left it a couple of days and then I added a little more to my route making it an 8 minute Jalk. I did this every few days and on the day of the London Marathon 2017 I managed a 3.2 mile jog.
Have you worked out what a Jalker is yet ?

Jalking is a term for a cross between a walk and a jog. Too fast to be called a walk but too slow to be called a run.

A lot of my clients insist they cannot run, I’ve heard so many different reasons why they cant, but I think the real reason is because running is hard for most of us. Its too daunting.

For some, its the breathing, for others its the joints and for a few its their size.

A big event like the London Marathon inspires a lot of people to give running a try. I love watching the Marathon but I know its not an easy thing to do no matter how fit you are. It takes training and many hours of dedication to achieve running 26.2 miles.

Having said that I also believe anyone can do it if they want it enough and have the belief in themselves to achieve it and the time to put into the training.

I don’t know if I ever want to run a Marathon but I had a real urge to get out once the weather got better.
I have Asthma, Bronchiectasis and a Heart Condition ( Other than that I’m pretty healthy) and when I’ve run in the past it has taken me and my inhaler about 1/2 hour to recover, so after a while I give up.

So back to my Jalking

So thats why this time ( sensible at last ) I decided to take it slow, steady and short to build up my stamina. I teach this to all my clients but I’ve never listened to my own advice before.

The difference has been amazing.
Not once have I had to use my pump when finishing. Not once have I felt out of breath and out of control, Not once have I struggled.

But yes I have glowed, yes I have smiled and yes I have had a great sense go achievement, even after my first 6 minutes.

To some of you reading this you will be thinking I am absolutely bonkers raving about such a minor goal. However to others I hope I can inspire you to get out there and have a go.

Try a Jalk and feel yourself transition naturally into a jog and maybe into a run. It doesn’t matter how slow you are,what does matter is that you enjoy it and you get something from it.

Do what’s right for you and go at the speed that feels good for you personally.
I have been asked to run with a friend of mine but when I asked his 5km pace and he replied “22 minutes” I had to politely decline. Maybe one day !

Since Jalking my aerobic fitness has slowly increased, my lung capacity has increased and the enjoyment I now feel is huge.

So what now ?

My first 5km took me 38 mins, my second 36mins. ( No laughing )
So my aim is to stay with a 5km for a while until I get it under 30 minutes. As long as my lungs can cope I will keep slowly increasing my pace. I will keep monitoring how I feel and then I may jog further.
But the one thing I know is that JALKING worked for me.

Why not give it a try and share your own experience with us.

Whilst on the subject of the London Marathon, I would like to say a huge Congratulations to Hannah Short.
Hannah completed her first London Marathon last week in a time of 4 hours 45 minutes.
It was a goal she set herself 9 years ago. Yes, 9 years ago…

Hannah came to see me the day before the event, she had a bad glute and hip injury but her mind was determined.
We prepared her the best we could with gentle massage and an hour of light stretching.
She was so determined to achieve her long term goal that she managed to run through the pain and discomfort.

The mind is such a powerful thing !

Well done Hannah.


  1. sam Payne on May 7, 2017 at 8:53 am

    Great post Julie, thank you for posting

    • julie on May 7, 2017 at 2:44 pm

      Thanks Sam. x

  2. Roxanne Parkinson on May 7, 2017 at 9:07 am

    Very interesting! Thank you

  3. julie on May 7, 2017 at 2:43 pm


  4. Wendy Jones on May 7, 2017 at 2:50 pm


  5. Wendy Jones on May 7, 2017 at 3:04 pm

    Julie is so right. I hate running but find it’s the best exercise I can do on my own.

    I run mainly on the treadmill as I do not like running outdoors on my own never can motivate myself to do so.
    Like Julie I suffer from Asthma and I also have sinus problems.
    I find running clears my head and makes me feel better I don’t use my inhaler as much now in fact the doctors as put me on a lower strength.
    I try and run or should I say Jalk Jog and Run two to three times a week,but sometimes it one when that word gets in the way WORK.
    When I do I say to myself Wendy way can’t you do this everyday.?
    I am doing the Marathon in May and I am now at 9.4 miles which I feel pleased with myself.
    I would love to do the London Marathon and take my hat off to you all for doing it.
    I must say Julie as taught me a lot from day one I meet her 12 years ago at David Lloyd.
    I miss her out door classes we used to have so much fun.
    So if your thinking I can’t run, you can.

    • julie on May 27, 2017 at 6:09 pm

      Well done Wendy, Have you completed your May Marathon yet ?
      You are right about the park classes, They were so much fun and I think everyone reached such a high level of fitness. Keep up the good work and most importantly , enjoy it .

  6. Tom on May 7, 2017 at 9:00 pm

    Loving your work Julie. You have always been an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work!

  7. Annie Weston on May 24, 2017 at 11:32 am

    I am one of those people that just doesnt do running, not for a bus, not for a kiss with Clooney, not even from an alien invasion!
    however, Ive been doing this Jalking since reading this blog and I’m quite getting into it especially with the warmer weather. It doesnt hurt my knees as |I carry a lot of weight, but I can definately feel lifted in myself. Im also doing Julies incredible juicing and WOW what a difference its made to my skin.

    Give it a go!

  8. harald on March 24, 2018 at 11:38 am

    the idea is good because you do sports for youself and not for others
